Laboo Team – Where Every Day Becomes a New Adventure!

1St BOOK in a LearninG series

professor LaBOO HaS Letters for youl
26 to Be precise.
From A … all tHe way to z.

on your journey witH professor LaBOO, you’ll DO all sorts Of tHinGs.
You’lL eat Stuff tHat’s YUCKY.
YOu’lL see Stuff tHat’s GROSS.
YOu’ll finD yourself in mysterious places anD ODD Situations.

But whatever you do…
whatever you see…
whatever you taste or smell…
know that, at the very least, you’ll be learning about all the letters we need to
make the words we use.

This alphabet book is perfect for those kids who like their content a little bit disgusting or funny, strange or adventurous. Professor Laboo, t he lovable alphabet monster, takes the youngest readers through the alphabet in a way so memorable, that they are sure to remember every letter with ease and enthusiasm. No doubt, it’s much more fun that D is for ‘doodle’ and not for ‘dog’, and that F is for ‘fart’ and not for ‘farm’!

Who is laboo

Meet professor LaBOO, tHe cuDDLiest anD funniest teacHer you’ll ever finDI witH HiS tiny Glasses anD BriGHt BOW tie, LaB0O turns every lesson into an excitinG aDventure. wHetHer it’s LearninG aBout tHe alpHaBet, countinG Stars, or explorinG tHe wonDers of nature, LaBOO always finDs a fun way to teacH.

In LaBOO’S WOrLD, LearninG never means SittinG Still. one moment, He’s LeaDinG a Dance to Help everyone rememBer tHe planets in tHe solar system, anD tHe next, He’S uSinG HiS ukulele to sinG Silly sonGs aBout numBers. LaBOO LOVes to ask funny Questions like, “WHat if elepHants couLD fly?” or “HOW many tickles Does it take to make a DraGon GiGGLe?” EaCH Question sparks curiosity anD LauGHter, turninG even tHe simpLest lesson into a maGical journey.

WitH professor LaBOO, KiDS Learn By DOinG, playinG, anD imaGininG, makinG every Day a new apventure full Of GiGGLeS anD Discoveriesi

Uncover Laboo’s goodies

Laboo's goodies


aBout US

BrinGinG LearninG to life WitH professor LaBOOI we create maGical CHilDren’s BOOKS WHere every story turns into an excitinG aDventure, makinG eDucation fun, playful, anD full Of imaGination. Join us as we inspire younG minDs to expiore, LauGH, anD Learn witH tHe cuDDliest professor arounD!